Sump Pump Spring Maintenance
Sump pump maintenance is not a common or exciting topic. It is even less sexy than plumbing in general. However, ensuring proper function of your sump pump in the Middleton WI area can save you thousands of dollars in water damage.
How? Water is unforgiving and can destroy, or create the environment for destruction, just by being in contact with your property. If your sump pump fails, imagine what contact with water will do to rugs, furniture, paneling or electrical items such as lights, televisions, stereos or computers. And, if not caught in a timely fashion, imagine the mold and mildew after the fact. Sump pumps can be your best friend – and worst enemy if completely ignored.
Sump Pump Maintenance Defined In Middleton WI
Sump pumps are very simple machines and generally do not require a great deal of maintenance. And, for the sake of our discussion, assuming your sump pump was working last season, let’s also assume it was installed properly, all switches are working well and by this time most manufacturer defects would have shown themselves. In other words, to date, you have had a reliable sump pump.
There are a couple of things for homeowners to be aware of.
- Dry motors can seize – mainly from non-use sitting through a “dry” winter. With no mid-winter warm spells causing snow melt requiring a sump pump to engage as we have had the past two years in the Middleton and Cross Plains area, components become dry and stiff. This is a common issue when pumps are not used for extended periods of time.
- Portions of the sump pump sitting under water unused – this will allow parts to get gummy and particles to settle. This situation also increases the chances for a motor to seize.
Sump Pump Failure Can Spell Disaster
Either scenario can cause a sump pump failure, which can cause a big problem when spring arrives. And, the common thread in all sump pumps is the extended period without use. While all mechanical devices eventually fail, there are things you can do to help extend the life of sump pumps.
Maintenance Ideas For Sump Pumps
To help extend the life of your sump pump, try these maintenance tips once per year if not twice. Quarterly maintenance is probably the safest bet. These steps take just a few minutes and can help you avoid unwanted expense and damage.
- Run a vinegar solution through the sump pump to clean it. The pump will become free from tiny particles and debris which will allow the pump to run much cleaner. A homeowner can do this.
- Another good practice is to make sure the sump pump float switch is not restricted. If it is restricted it will cause the sump pump to not automatically kick on in case of a flood.
- Lastly, clean all vents and air holes for maximum effectiveness.
Sump pump maintenance is easy and will help keep your home protected from water damage. Make this part of your regular home maintenance plan and you’ll save some money by either delaying the purchase of a replacement for years or by avoiding costly water damage.
To learn more about the sump pump maintenance or replacement options, contact the experts at Sauk Plains Plumbing & Pump. We serve Dane County including Cross Plains WI, Middleton, Waunakee, Black Earth (https://saukplainsplumbing.com/well-pumps-black-earth/), Verona and Fitchburg, and can help you get the details you need to make the best water heater decision for your home.
Give our expert plumbers a call at 608-798-2121 or email to get the details on sump pumps in Cross Plains or Middleton WI.