Plumber’s Tip – Maintaining Your Plumbing In Middleton WI
Your plumbing works hard for you every day and you likely take it for granted. Every time you use a sink, take a shower or bath or use your dishwasher, your plumbing in Middleton WI performs. There are no drips or leaks to ruin your day and your wastewater is being taken away.
Plumbing, pipes and their connections are like other things in the physical world. With use, they can wear down. Most times it’s in the form of drains draining slower rather than a complete failure. At Sauk Plains Plumbing and Pumps, we know how frustrating it is when your drains start to slow down or even leak. Below are some ideas to help your Middleton WI or Cross Plains plumbing continue to work at its highest level.
Professional Plumbing Maintenance in Middleton WI
Hands down the best way to ensure your system works well is with professional maintenance. Our Middleton WI plumbers work on pipes and drains daily and have the skill, knowledge and experience to clean and maintain your system.
Regular Drain Cleaning For Your Plumbing
Proper maintenance should include periodic drain cleaning. When you keep your pipes clear, the chances of having clogged drains decreases greatly. With regular drain cleaning a professional plumber inspects, cleans and attends to drains not working at top efficiency.
At Sauk Plains Plumbing and Pumps our professional plumbers know what techniques to use with drain cleaning, whether it is a simple snake or a high-pressure stream of water to remove clogs. Our Plumbers do the right thing to clear and protect your pipes.
Protecting Your Plumbing in Middleton WI
The best way to protect your system is to treat it well. Certain things shouldn’t go down your drain. Consider the following –
- Kitchen sinks with garbage disposals have many homeowners thinking they can put anything down their kitchen sink. A good rule of thumb for garbage disposals is if you can’t chew it up (with your teeth) then it should not go down your drain.
- Large fruit pits and animal bones cannot be ground up by your disposal – do not send them down your drain.
- Keep melted fats from your drain.
- Fibrous vegetables like celery and corn husks shouldn’t go down your kitchen sink drain.
Our plumbers have years of experience working with wide variety of problems in Cross Plains, Black Earth, Mount Horeb, Waunakee and Middleton. Call Sauk Plains Plumbing and Pumps or email us for quality drain cleaning and plumbing repair and in Middleton, WI.